Rock The Vote 2015

CUAA Election Thermometer 4.28.2015 CUAA Election Thermometer 4.29.2015 CUAA Election Thermometer 5.1.2015


March 15 – April 30

This year, you are not just voting on Council positions, but also on 3 referendum questions regarding Tuition, the CUAA’s 501c3 status, and the CUAA’s representation on the Board of Trustees.


  • March 15 – Polls Open
  • April 14 – Meet the Candidates Night Event
  • April 26 – Founder’s Day, including a last minute registration booth
  • May 1 – Polls are closed – Last day to vote is April 30!
  • Early May – Election results will be announced at an Alumni Council Meeting and via email


Candidate bios and campaign statements can be found here:


Social media summary of election news up to April 17, 2015:

Meet the Candidates

The Meet the Candidates Night recap and videos are available here:

Founder’s Day Registration Booth

Please come out on Sunday April 26 for Founder’s Day and meet the candidates there as well!


In order to vote, you must be in our email database. If you have been receiving emails from, then you are on the list and should have received a ballot in an email entitled “CUAA Election 2015: VOTE NOW” at midnight on Sunday, March 15, 2015. Another reminder also went out on April 10, 2015.

If you are receiving emails from us but have not received a ballot:

  1. Check your spam folder for March 15 and April 10
  2. Opt-in to SurveyMonkey:
  3. Please email us at and request one.

If you are not receiving emails from us, please register on this website: and we will send you a ballot within a week (during the last week we are working as fast as we can to get them out before the deadline). Please bear with us, the process is manual this year, as this is 100% volunteer organized, run, and funded, without any support from the school.

April 9, 2015 April 13, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 24, 2015 April 27, 2015
CUAA Election Thermometer 4.9.2015 CUAA Election Thermometer 4.13.2015 CUAA Election Thermometer 4.19.2015 CUAA Election Thermometer 4.24.2015 CUAA Election Thermometer 4.27.2015
CUAA Election By Population 4.9.2015 CUAA Election By Population 4.13.2015 CUAA Election By Population 4.19.2015 CUAA Election By Population 4.24.2015 CUAA Election By Population 4.27.2015
CUAA Election By School 4.9.2015 CUAA Election By School 4.13.2015 CUAA Election By School 4.19.2015 CUAA Election By School 4.24.2015 CUAA Election Data 4.272