Running For: Council

Campaign Statement

I started my studies at Cooper Union when many thought it was too late. Who would leave a career on Wall Street to chase a complete second undergraduate degree?

I did, and it made all the difference.

I come back to Cooper Union now, as a patent lawyer, because it is still not too late.

It is not too late to repay the countless alumni who have opened doors for me as an engineer and a lawyer. It is not too late to work with the School to restore the opportunities that I had when I was a “Nerken.”

Our brand — an unrivaled education that is as free as water and air — was, and can still be, our greatest asset.

I ask for your vote because my experience as a banker, engineer, and lawyer will serve the School and its alumni as we work to restore the tuition free system, and revive our brand.

And while I believe that a tuition free system is paramount, I believe it must be done in a sustainable manner.

Thanks to hard work of so many alumni, including fellow Constitution Committee members Doug Sharrott and Jim Liubicich, the Cooper Union Alumni Association is poised to become a more vibrant and financially independent organization. I will follow in their footsteps and work tirelessly for the common good.

Free Cooper Union!


Ron has a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Cooper Union as well as a J.D. from Fordham University School of Law. He has begun preparatory classwork that will ultimately lead to a graduate degree in immunology as well. His first degree was a bachelor’s in finance from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The toughest challenge by far was Cooper Union — he remains indebted to Professors Stock, Okorafor, and Brazinsky for all they taught him and awed by his classmates, who have gone on to do remarkable things.

Ron worked as a financial analyst on Wall Street early in his career, and as chemist and engineer for several years before attending law school. He now works as patent lawyer at a premier intellectual property law firm, where he advocates on behalf of a variety of clients faced with complex legal, financial, and scientific issues. He hopes to use those same skills on the alumni council.

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