Mary Kathleen_1

Mary K. Lynch, ChE’82

Campaign Statement

My chief goal as a member of the Nominating committee is to ensure that the candidates represent all sectors of the alumni body. During my prior tenures on this committee, I helped recruit women, artists and young alumni, all of which were previously under-represented on the CUAA Council and as CUAA Officers. In 2014, for possibly the first time, half of the CUAA officers and council members were women. The council continues to lack sufficient ethnic diversity and I promise to redouble my efforts to improve this. I love the Cooper Union and hope it will eventually return to full tuition scholarships. I do recognize the seriousness of the school’s financial difficulties and continue to support Cooper students by donating to programs that directly benefit the students.


Mary is a Senior Engineer and Senior Instructor for Con Edison. She teaches courses on the NYC steam system for engineers, planners, mechanics, operators and customers. She has served on the Alumni Council and the Communications, Events, Gano Dunn Award, Peter Cooper Service Award, Election and Nominating committees. At various times she has chaired the Communications, Nominating and Peter Cooper Service Award committees. She is a major contributor to the CUAA newsletter and administrator for the CUAA Facebook page. She served on the planning committees for multiple class reunions. She is a sponsor and supporter of The Cooper Union Motorsports Team. She was the moderator for the 2013 CUAA Trustee Panel Discussion. She participates in Mock Interview Nights and Engineering Career Evenings. She is a Class Rep for the class of 1982.